
MosquitoPatch Delivery System

MosquitoPatch delivers you superior protection because it works in conjunction with your internal protection system.

The patches trans-dermal technologywill deliver the acting ingredient thiamine into your body quickly, with no vitamin loss, giving speedy protection.

The fantastic results gained from this delivery method can be seen in anti smoking nicotine patches. The trans-dermal technology has helped people to stop smoking all over the world and now it can help thousands of people, including YOU, to enjoy your holiday pain free.

The trans-dermal technology works by passing the active thiamine vitamin B1 immediately into your blood stream. Unlike with pills, the thiamine is not eliminated by the stomach acid halting it from working.
There is no wastage of ingredients so you get the total protection needed. The patch will deliver the exact concentration needed to repel harmful mosquitoes.

CLICK HERE and read more about the fantastic benefits of the trans-dermal patch technology of MosquitoPatch